Indian Space Research Organization 
Indian Space Research Organization


About ISRO



The Space Wing: The Space Wing (ISRO Technical Liaison Unit) is responsible for co-ordination of all space related activities between India (ISRO) and USA(NASA).

The main activities of Space Wing include:

  • Facilitating ISRO’s space cooperation with NASA, NOAA, USGS and other US Government departments with respect to bilateral/multilateral activities, joint missions and collaborations, payloads and tracking station support and joint working groups.
  • Supporting academic cooperation between IIST and various US universities. 
  • Interacting with various space agencies in North America to understand the current advances in space systems and exploring the opportunities for mutual cooperation.
  • Representing ISRO in various technical fora and international bodies like IAF, COSPAR, AIAA, CEOS & GEOS.
  • Interfacing with Industries, manufacturers and suppliers of components from USA for Indian Space Programme.

About ISRO

ISRO: The objective of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is to develop space science, technology and applications towards achieving self-reliance and facilitating in all round development of the nation. The access to space guarantees

Socio economic Security.

Sustainable development

Disaster mitigation

Developmental Governance

Human Resource Development.

ISRO caters the India’s growing demand for access to space by giving thrust to the four verticals

  • Space Transportation
  • Space Infrastructure
  • Space Applications
  • Capacity building

ISRO operates satellites for communication, Earth Observation, Navigation and space science. It currently operates three Launch Vehicles Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle- PSLV, Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle MK-II (GSLV MK-II), and Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle MK-III (GSLV MK-III) for launching various satellites from India. The commercial company under Department of Space carryout commercial launches for various international space corporations on PSLV. ISRO is also developing a cost effective launch vehicle Small Satellite Launch Vehicle (SSLV) to tap the commercial market for small satellite launches.

ISRO supports the digital India Initiative and aims to provide high bandwidth connectivity throughout the country. ISRO has developed regional navigation system, NavIC (Navigation with Indian constellation). ISRO is currently engaged in Human Space Flight Programme (GAGANYAAN). 

 International Cooperation: ISRO places great importance on working together with other countries and international bodies in promoting the development and use of space technology for different applications. ISRO continues to harness the benefits of international cooperation by (i) working together with other space agencies in programmes of mutual interest (ii) participating in international committees and other fora dealing with space policies and coordination of space operations and (iii) providing expertise and services to other nations in the applications of space technology.


Mr. N. Lakshmi Narasimhan

Counsellor, Space (ISRO)

Embassy of India (Chancery-II)

2536, Massachusetts Ave. NW

Washington DC 20008, USA

Telephone: +12029399811

Fax: +12029399870 (Fax)

 More information is available on ISRO’s website: