Embassy Archives What's New/Press Releases

Visa/OCI/PIO/Renunciation Services - New Service Provider, BLS International

The Embassy of India in the United States has contracted BLS International Services to provide Visa/OCI/PIO and Renunciation Services with effect from July 1, 2013 on its behalf.  Accordingly, BLS as Service Provider has commenced operations from Washington D.C, New York, Chicago, Houston and San Francisco (all locations of the Embassy and the Consulates, except in Atlanta, where Visa operations will begin from July 18. BLS Operations in Atlanta for OCI/PIO and Renunciation Services has already begun from July 1, 2013.

As the BLS International Services have  just begun operations, some initial difficulties in transition are being faced. Applicants are informed that the BLS International Services will also be handling all cases that were earlier submitted to Travisa Outsourcing, the previous service provider, and are still pending with the Embassy/Consulates for various reasons. As BLS International Services is setting up the tracking system for these applications, some delay may be encountered in answering questions relating to those cases.

We also understand that applicants have been facing some hardship in submitting applications, obtaining appointment dates, and reaching out to the BLS International Services call centers.

The Embassy and the Consulates are constantly monitoring the functioning of BLS International Services and guiding them in this transition period, in order to deliver efficient services to the satisfaction of all Applicants. In case of any serious difficulties being faced by applicants, these may kindly be brought to the notice of the Embassy and Consulates concerned for redressal. Any issues or complaints relating to the BLS International Services in the Embassy jurisdiction may be sent to Minister (Cons) at mincons[at]indiagov[dot]org.

For our Consulates jurisdiction, the contact points are as follows :

New York:                                 Consul (HOC & CPV)  cpv@indiacgny.org
Chicago:                                     info@indianconsulate.com
Houston:                                   Consul(Visa) ocicgihouston@swbell.net
San Francisco:                        Vice Consul(Passport & Visa) sfvicecon@cgisf.org
Atlanta:                                      Vice Consul (Passport & Consular) passport@indianconsulateatlanta.org