Embassy Archives What's New/Press Releases

India - US Joint Statement

January 31, 1999
New Delhi

The eighth round of the U.S. - Indian dialogue on issues related to security,
disarmament and non-proliferation has concluded. During the three days of talk,
January 29-31, there were four plenary meetings of the two delegations as well as
expert - level discussions and several more restricted sessions between the two
heads of delegations, Mr. Strobe Talbott and Mr. Jaswant Singh. General Ralston
held separate consultations with several senior Indian military officials on a variety of
issues of mutual concern, including resumption of bilateral co-operation in some

Both delegations are satisfied with the outcome of the talks. As with earlier meetings,
the security perspectives of the two sides were further elaborated and clarified and
proposal for harmonizing these perspectives were explored. The delegations believe
progress was made in several of the subjects under discussion and remain
committed to achieving more progress in the weeks ahead.

In this regard, a workplan for the next steps in the U.S. - Indian dialogue was
agreed. U.S. and Indian expert - level teams will meet in March for follow - up talks
on export controls. The U.S. and Indian delegations at the Conference on
Disarmament in Geneva will endeavour to consult frequently on the status of
negotiations on a Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty (FMCT) and the possibility of other
multilateral initiatives. Finally, Mr. Talbott and Mr. Singh will remain in close contact.
While these contacts continue, both sides will endeavour to create a positive
atmosphere for advancing their relations. A ninth round of the dialogue is envisioned
towards the middle of the year, the dates and venue to be determined in consultation
between the two capitals.

The two delegations recognize that the length of the time devoted to these talks is
unprecedented in U.S. - Indian relations. It is the view of both delegations that this is
time well spent, laying the foundation for a new, broad-based relationship that has
eluded the United States and India in the past which both sides are determined to
achieve in the future.