Embassy Archives What's New/Press Releases


Washington, DC

May 16, 2014

As already informed earlier, the Embassy of India in the USA has awarded the new contract for providing Visa/OCI/PIO/Renunciation of Indian Citizenship Certificate application support services to the Cox & Kings Global Services Pvt. Ltd., to be operational from May 21st, 2014.

The current Service Provider, BLS International Limited, will be closing all its operations with regard to Visa/OCI/PIO/Renunciation of Indian Citizenship Certificate support services in the evening of 20th May, 2014 at all locations in USA.

The website of Cox & Kings Global Services Pvt. Ltd. is operational from May 16th, 2014: http://www.in.ckgs.us

The locations of CKGS Service Centers across USA are:

Washington DC- Suite 100, 1250, 23rd Street NW, Washington, DC 20037

New York- 2nd Floor, 235 West, 23rd Street, New York, NY 10011

Chicago- Suite 1003, 19 S, La Salle Street, Chicago, IL 60603

San Francisco- 1st Floor, 225 Bush Street, San Francisco, CA 94104

Houston- Suite 550, 1001 Texas Avenue, Binz Building, Houston, TX 77002

Atlanta- 1st Floor, Suite 180, 5883 Glenridge Drive, Atlanta, Georgia 32328


CKGS Helpdesk phone numbers (to be operational from16th May) are:

Toll free no: 1-866-978-0055



For any enquiries the e-mail id of CKGS is : enquiriesusa@ckgs.com


The following is once again reiterated:

Applications in person viz. 'walk-in application" will be accepted by BLS International Ltd. till the afternoon of 16th May 2014. Only Emergency Visa applications will be accepted by BLS till forenoon of 20th May 2014.

Applications sent through mail upto 13th May 2014 and reaching the BLS International Ltd. on or before 15th May 2014 will be accepted. Thereafter, applicants, who propose to send their applications by mail, may send them, so as to reach offices of the Cox & Kings Global Services Pvt. Ltd. at jurisdictional locations on or after May 21st,2014. It may also be noted that Banker's checks/ Money order accompanying these applications are drawn in favor of the new service provider Cox & Kings Global Services Pvt. Ltd. with the revised service fee.

From the 21st of May, 2014 all Visa/OCI/PIO/Renunciation of Indian Citizenship Certificate application support services will be provided by the Cox & Kings Global Services Pvt. Ltd.

Applicants, who have already submitted their applications to BLS International Ltd, may check online status of their applications from BLS International Ltd website till May 20th, 2014. The status of these Pending applications will be available on the website of Cox & Kings Global Services Pvt. Ltd. from 21st May 2014 and can be tracked from CKGS website www.in.ckgs.us.