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Corrigendum-2 to the RFP for Outsourcing of support services for issuing Indian visa, Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) card, Person of Indian Origin (PIO) card, surrender and renunciation of Indian citizenship certificate etc at Embassy of India, Washington DC and its Consulates in the USA.

Corrigendum-2 to the RFP for Outsourcing of support services for issuing Indian visa, Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) card, Person of Indian Origin (PIO) card, surrender and renunciation of Indian citizenship certificate etc at Embassy of India, Washington DC and its Consulates in the USA.

1. Para No. '2(A) Eligibility' may be read as under:

2(A) Eligibility

(A) i. The bidding Company must have at least three years' experience of operating a centre for visa/passport/consular services on behalf of a diplomatic Mission of Government of India or any other Government dealing with at least 200 applications per working day with electronic data entry. The bidding Company must be familiar with local laws and strictly abide by the same while discharging the functions as a Service Provider.

ii. Bidding Company should have a minimum net worth equivalent of US$ 5 million

iii. The average annual turnover should be at least 1.5 times the expected annual turnover from IVAC operations of the bidding company under the contract.

(B) The Bidding Company must provide supporting documentary evidence for the current experience claimed by providing details of web-links of such services being rendered as well as necessary certificates/testimonials in support of the same. In the case of past services, necessary certificates from the Mission/Governments concerned must be provided.

(C) The bidding companies must comply with the following additional/technical eligibility requirements:

(a) If Bidding Company proposed to implement the project in collaboration with a local partner, details of partnership, including the copy of the Agreement must be provided. The local partner must also meet with all the eligibility requirements indicated in this RFP for the Bidding Company. Partner Company should have at least 50% net worth stipulated for the main Bidding Company.

(b) The Bidding Company and its sister Company or subsidiaries should not bid separately for the same tender. A certificate to this effect should be given by the Bidding Company.

(c) The Bidding Company must submit audited balance sheets and income statements for last three years to demonstrate its current financial soundness, and ability to undertake the project. A certificate from a recognized agency regarding the financial soundness of the Company and its ability to provide Bank Guarantees in respect of the services undertaken with the Mission/Post should be submitted. In case the bidding entity is a joint venture, information must be provided for all the partners of the joint venture as well as for local partner. Bidding Company should have a minimum net worth equivalent of US$ 5 million.

(d) The Bidding Company shall provide audited information on annual turnover for the last three years. The average annual turnover should be at least 1.5 times the expected annual turnover from the IVAC operations of the bidding company under the contract. In case of joint ventures, information must be provided for all partners of the joint venture and a copy of the contract.

(e) The Bidding Company must provide documentation to show that it has the qualified personnel for key positions in the IVAC. The details of the proposed key personnel and their experience record must also be provided.

(f) The Bidding Company must certify that the company and its subsidiaries/partners are not involved in any unlawful or illegal activity including in human trafficking, anti-Indian activities hawala, etc.

(g) The Bidding Company must provide a list of all its pending litigations/disputes relating to CPV services outsourcing including quality of services, etc in the Missions/Post worldwide.

(h) The Bidding Company must provide details of all its past and present litigations with Government of India and with the Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi. Similar information may be provided for its partner companies and local partners.

(i) Bidding Company must certify that the Company has not been convicted for, or involved in, bribery, corruption or fraud.

(j) Bidding Company must certify that key personnel proposed for IVAC, have not been convicted of any criminal offence or on charges of bribery, corruption or fraud.

(k) Bidding Company must provide certification that its operations are compliant with local labour laws and relevant tax regime.

(l) The Bidding Company should have ISO 9001-2008 (or equivalent) certification for quality management and ISO 27001-2013 (or equivalent) certification for IT related services.

(m) The Bidding Company must provide plan for a viable and effective security system for premises, personnel and data relating to the IVAC.

(n) Bidding Company must deposit a Bid Security of US$ 50,000, refundable not later than 15 (fifteen) days from the opening of financial bid, except in the case of the Selected Bidding Company whose Bid Security shall be retained till it has provided a Bank Guarantees as indicated in in paragraph 7 - Financial Guarantees of this document.

2. Para No. '6.1(xx) Novation' has been revised as under:

xx) Operational Systems and Infrastructure -

a) The Service Provider will not assign in whole or in part its rights under the Agreement without the prior written approval of the Mission.

b) The Service Provider will not assign in whole or in part its obligations under the Agreement.

c) The Service Provider will not consult with any other person or body for the purpose of entering into an arrangement which will require novation of the Agreement without first consulting the Embassy who would seek the approval of Ministry of External Affairs.

3. Para Nos. 9.8 and 9.10 under 'Fees & Penalties' have been deleted.

4. Para No. '11.1' under 'Insurance' has been revised as under:

11.1 The Service Provider will effect and maintain insurance equivalent to the total annual revenue to cover its obligations under the Agreement, including those obligations which survive the expiration or termination of the Agreement/Contract.

5. A sub para No. (xiii) has been added under "Para No. 14. Guide to Bidders"-

The Embassy of India, Washington DC reserves the right to reject any tender on security considerations at any stage in the tender process.

February 27, 2014