Renewal of International Driving Permit Renewal of International Driving Permit

Renewal of International Driving Permit


International Driving Permit (IDP) Renewal

  1. Download the Miscellaneous Application formand fill it up carefully. Each applicant is required to fill up the Miscellaneous Application form and affix his/her photograph (not older than six months) on the same.
  3. a) Notarized copy of applicant’s current valid passport (first and last pages of the passport). Notarized copy of the document showing valid US visa status.
  4. b) IDP and the Indian Driving Licenses in original.
  5. c) Notarized copy of any of the following documents as proof of residence: Utility Bill, Lease Agreement, State Identity Card, or Mortgage Deed.
  6. Fee:A fee of US$ 10.00 (Ten only) and US$2.00 (Two Only) towards Indian Community Welfare Fund. To be remitted as two separate Money Order or cashier’s Cheque
  7. Please note that the Embassy would not issue/renew IDP. Applicant would need to apply for renewal of IDP through the portal gov.inuploading the documents provided by the Embassy (Receipt of payment and certificate identifying the applicant).
  8. Reissue of IDPs would be done by the Government of India’s Ministry of Transport and Highways (MoRTH) and sent to the applicant’s postal address. Further enquiries any on reissue may be taken up with MoRTH.
Renewal of International Driving Permit